Sunday, October 30, 2011

About Wymedical

Wymedical aims to bring to the UK market a new and innovative range of
Urology products, including catheters, specific to patients needs.<br/><br/>

We will deliver a high level of quality and experience into the
Urology market with a level of expertise gained through years of
working with continence advisors and suppliers into the NHS.<br/><br/>

We will provide specialist services into the paediatric areas of the
NHS and private sector with a range of solutions best fit to service this market.<br/><br/>

Wymedical will offer a broad range o

Welcome to Wymedical's Blog


Thank you for visiting our blog or website.

This is the first of many Urology and other relevant articles we hope you will find interesting or helpful. We'll be posting some initial articles during November 2011 and look forward to your feedback and suggestions.

The Wymedical Team